Monday, October 12, 2009

Child Support and College!

 Looking into both sides of this yes college is expensive but I think Child Support is worst. A father not wanting to pay child support for his 18 year old  for college is understandable. Is it wrong? You be the judge, at 18 kids are considered adults. So technically in the eyes of the judicial system the father shouldn't be responsible. But, as a parent should he help yes but that child better fight tooth and nail to get scholarships and work there butts off to get in and stay in.

The reason why I say this is understandable is because I'm a father of a 2 year old boy and paying child support. It makes me angry to see children hate there parents over a divorce or so many other things that cause division in a household. The father is always the one to receive this burden of hatred not truly understood fully by the child. When a child doesn't get to see his father as much and the father is always stressed because he has to figure out away to make ends meet every week is a problem. When his child turns 18 that  his way to finally have a life appreciate the little things again. Him paying all of this money out each month or week whatever his pay schedule is put him in debt unless he's a millionaire but guess what most parents aren't and the average American can't afford most of these child support cases.  Money would goes to he mother not the school.  That child could have absolutely no desire to go back to school. He could get an acceptance letter from a community college and never attend. Then that man is forced to pay that support until he is 21.

I'm sorry but to further push this child support is wrong the guidelines are there more so for the government and mother to make a profit. They need to examine both parties living situations, the father has bills that woman could have cheated and he left for that reason but he is still punished for her fornication. It's the new business plan since this child support came about. It's a get rich scheme for all mothers who want out of there relationships but have no real income. Then on top of that the courts back them up and automatically award custody to the mother with out a proper trial or anything. But don't get me wrong, there are mothers in the same boat with paying child support. But the majority here are fathers. A lot of woman for some reason feel because they had the child they should be reimbursed for this. Which is wrong but that's exactly what's going on. It's like a contingency plan if thinks don't work out with the marriage. It's like a prenuptial but it's written in a Childs DNA so it's unavoidable. For some women CHILD=$$$$$$$. If the other parent remarries well the Custodial parent do you think that money is going towards the child at that time. Of course not it's the same old thing that happens over and over again. The woman ends up with a new car and clothes shops at the finest stores for herself while your child's clothes come from target. Then they have the never to take you back to court because they need more money to put him through college look. If in 18 years that mother is unable to sustain her child but has a 50" LCD TV new furniture a house ect.. that's where this 18 year old Childs college fund is at. It resides on the back and feet and that nice car in the driveway. Think about it!

I'm going to show you some simple math here. I pay 650 a month for support multiply that by 12 for the year that's $7,800 now that's supposed to go towards daycare clothes ect... so that's 7,800 a year added on to her income. Now let's break down that $7,800 daycare I'll say is roughly about 650 right there so that's daycare expenses right there. The big bulk of the expense of raising a child. Food she can buy with her own money considering a child when he/she starts eating solid foods can eat whatever is made that night. Also on a further note DAYCARE Provides Breakfast and lunch. Those are two meals gone less expenses for the woman off the top. Should she pay half of the daycare yes it is half her child too. Then clothes for a younger child are easy and cheap and you don't have to worry about them wanting the latest and greatest. Sneakers max $10 if you want Nikes then $20-$25 but you'll only need a pair or two and I'm sure the father buys these things also for the child. Then clothes ok stick him/her in say some sketchers, some levis and some plain shirts that should be a one time purchase with some little purchase here and there for the Childs rate of growth. Ok now the child is in Kindergarten now there is no more daycare expenses ect... But there are after school programs that's solely should be on the discretion of the parent that can afford to do this, school pictures another one at parents discretion. But in light $650 is now on the table gain for the mother to do what she wants through out the month such as school clothes and other items school related but again one time thing with smaller purchases every now and then. Again during those months where things aren't need those should be put in the bank. His insurance should the parent that has custody pay.... of course the child stay with you right that is your sole responsibility when is come right down to it. You buy a car but you want someone else to insure it for you and pay the monthly....Yeah I would love to see that happen. so through out the years of all of these small minor purchases. through out the high school years ect.... between sports and band possibly and other extracurricular that's still a one time purchase thing not something that's going to keep increasing or last forever or be cyclic no it's a one time major purchase. Then food through out the year at lunch time for the child and breakfast ok most schools offer both and still what is it a week for lunch $2 to $3 a day is that. Think that's an expense hat should be able to be handled by the mother/custodial parent. I'll gladly give a couple of dollars for my sons lunch and breakfast each week that will never amount to $650 a month. Again the rest of money should be saved. Adding to a bigger reason why this child should already have his tuition fee for school when he/she reaches 18.

Now for some more math so $650 a month x 12 months in a year = $7800 annually to one child this is for one not multiple. now take that $7,800 a year ad multiply that by 18 years that equals $140,400 from birth to graduation of the 12th grade. Now let's take it farther this is all speculative that there will be no increases or decrease but ask yourself with knowing that what is the mother really paying for. I'd say less than half of that money she spent on the child. First 3 years before the child goes to preschool is probably the most expensive just because of daycare. After that money should be stored up significantly. Also a father shouldn't be paying for someone else home it's that Mother/Custodial parent to provide those things also for the child not getting that money to do so from the Father/Non-Custodial parent. We need a roof for us and our child also so they can be comfortable when they come and visit. Why are mothers regarded so much hirer than fathers when woman do the same thing men do. And they are no more human than a man is. Where do we draw this line. Or will we let this idiotic governmental system keep destroying people. Like I said I understand why he didn't want to pay for college because technically the money should have been there already. So I understand and it's now time for the mother to stop getting a free ride and pay up. Sorry for it's length but this needed to be said. I'm a Child Support man and mines is up to date, I take care of my responsibilities, when will women stop getting these child support handouts that are in excess of what it really takes to take care of a child.

Is Child Support Fair

Is child support really fair? This has been a question around for years but has never really been taken care of. Is it fair……Of course not! What make something fair when they take everything a way from one parent and give the other a way of improving her/his status in life. Why is it whomever makes more money doesn't get the child. Is this right because I would expect the child living with the parent that makes enough to sustain him/herself better and the child at the same time would be better suited because they could help the child progress more, and would open there world up a whole lot more. It's like I'm going to send my child to the one with no playground, no money, and horrible teachers in stead of sending my child to the one with all the perks for the same price and it'll better suited for my Childs complete growth. Seriously look at the big picture here. One parent can always offer a child a better life than the other. Its not fair giving them a percentage to pay based on gross instead of your net pay. For one you will never see your gross in your check so that's just stupid. Even in tax time you'll never see that money. Then on top of that percentage they can with hold more for daycare expenses, school expenses like sports equipment ect.. So now that nice percentage has probably gone up another 10% or more depending. Then the parent paying child supports expenses for themselves to survive like there home whether that be a house or apartment, there insurance for yourself so you can stay healthy, you assortment of bills such as phone to keep in contact with the rest of the world, some people need internet for work purposes, and cable. What about your car note and insurance. What about property taxes, school taxes, heat, electric, and hot water bill. These are all normal day expenses for the average working person. Why is that none of this get's taken into consideration. But the parent that has custody of the child all of that is taken into consideration. It destroys one parent and lifts the other ones status up to the point where sometimes the other parent never has to work again. Prime example Brittney Spears and K'Fed case. He is living way beyond his means to take care of his kids. Does a kid really need over a 6 figure judgment to be taken care of. By the time those kids are 18 the accumulated income is going to be out of this world. Again not fair when child support make one parent to not have to work or barely work to provide for there children it's not right. Why are people that have done so much to be able to take care of there family be punished. Why do people feel that a parent should get everything taken away from them. What does it give them when the child comes to stay with this parent you just took everything from. Can that parent afford to not work 7 days a week and all sorts of crazy shifts just to provide for himself and when he's with the child. Does it cut off more contact with the child because now that parent has to work and be stressed out and drained working over 40 hours a week with no breaks in the near future. Yes it destroys the link between the child and that parent. Look you are taking the ability to be a parent from the other parent by taking every dime they have because they make more. Then they are reduced to someone who make minimum wage. And if you already have these bills before these child support orders why are they not taken into consideration if the other parent can't afford to provide a roof over the Childs head it's simple there are no gray areas that parent should have that child and the other parent should not have to take there hard earned money to pay for a roof over someone else's head. That's just stupid! What makes these laws constitutional when a parent is suffering and being taken advantage of. Is this fair to all the Non-Custodial parents in this world it is now the time to speak up that we aren't dead beats we are great parents that want to be there for our children. There need to be a change or for one I can tell you right now that there will be more issues with deaths over child support. This system beats you down to nothing basically to the point where you simple civil liberties aren't' at your on discretion anymore but the system. Help me and the rest of the new group of Non-Custodial parents it's our time to fight back!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life, Libery, And the Pursuit of Happiness?

Ok folks i have some trouble understanding our natural rights. I question them again because it seem that those are slowly going away like how a cancer slowly and painfully kills a person. Is it killing us all slowly? Is the government getting away with laws that are unconstitutional. There are many that come to my mind that i feel are unconstitutional and definetly need to be put underneath a microscope. Look at one in particular that I do not agree with. Child Support Child Custody is a big issue in this country. This system has been intiated for the sole purpose of getting DEADBEAT parents to pay for there children.

Ok is it a good thing to do this yes to an extent. The problem is the system doesn't take in account to the NON-CUSTODIAL parents means to survive. Is it ok to make one parent that is already told they can't see there children on a regular basis like we are......what's the word UNFIT! Is this ok to tell a parent and schedule a time when they can see there children? Think about this. I want everyone that has a completed family right now where them and there spouse are together and someone just came and told you, you can only see your kids every other week would you or would you not lose your mind? The funny thing is MOVIES alone make it very apparent about the way parents care for there kids. One movie that portays this very well is in Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls  that movie portayed basically how much a parent truly cares for his kids. Yes the movie is on extreme circumstance but the truth is what that character goes through actually happens. When you get right down to it that it just frightening and if you haven't seen this movie please go see it just to understand. Another movie which may seem crazy to pull a concept out of this horror/comdey movie by Ruben Fleischer called Zombie Land yes there was a highly emotional scene. The scene was when one of the character explains how his son dies but the words he said were "What does a man have left to live for one you take his son away" literally folks can you imagine the heartache it causes on a father or mother. Then on top of this how are we as american citzens allowing courts to decide our childs fate based solely on biased aspects of gender. Is this Ok? We as a people need to speak up should parents and i do mean both, Pay for their children? Of course we all should they are our kids but should the court advise us to pay for more than half of the child and limit our contact on top off all of that just because of gender and on who's paycheck is bigger? You be the judge my answer is NO and i mean HELL NO!!! That's just BULL**** think about this, does this give any of us that are Non-Custodial Parents the rights to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness? Give me your answers your thoughts your questions what do you think?  People I think it's time for a second Revolution to give power back to us the people. Why are we allowing the land of the free to die and turn into a fascist tyrannical society. Eventually our time to act will slip away and we will be to late and be ruled by an iron fist. It's coming and we need to prevent this. People the time to speak out is more important than it ever was before. Society is going backwards. Help us all by doing our part as citizens be angry about the things going on, anger fuels the mind to approach change to better or correct a problem, people get angry please!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Police use Random Stops and Frisking, Violation of Constitutional Rights?

        I was just reading this article about what's going on apparently not just in NY but reports say New Orleans, Chicago, Boston, and a few other. They are just stopping people frisking them and questioning them like Criminals. I mean they are frisking people in suits, your professional work clothes, kids walking home from school, and it seems to be a lot of racial profiling on top because the majority of stops have been against blacks and Hispanics. Then Philly Mayor Michael Nutter issues an Frisk and question policy in his city. People please look at what's going around you, do you see that are simple liberties have been revoked. This is completely unconstitutional and the reason no one isn't saying anything about this is because it's not happening to them or there city hasn't implemented something like this.
        People it is time to stand up do you see where the future of the land of the free is heading. It's turning into a dictatorship. Yes I don't care who doesn't agree with me because you know why those people are narrow minded and aren't looking at the big picture. Where is this going to lead to next, random home searches just because you live in a bad neighbor hood or like the Jefferson's you moved on up and because of your race they come in and search your place thinking that you couldn't live there without selling drugs. People our future is looking very bleak. I feel as if we are going back to when people had to fight for there rights again. Just think if this was happening during the first 13 colonies this would have set off a "CIVIL WAR" why are people just bending over and taking this. They raise our taxes, we lose jobs, SSI is basically non-existent and we have to literally fight tooth and nail to get it, our economy suffers, foreign affairs always seem to be the main concern instead of it's own people. I'm sorry but when "Katrina" happened America did not receive help from other countries even our own countries.
        Did anyone see the video of how our so called government, during the Bush administration did nothing in a time of need. Why would they send military soldiers like we were in an up rise and that these people that lost so much, family, homes, even little children. That video by Spike Lee showed the country how our government feels about us. I'm so pissed off that us as a Nation is allowing all of this crap to happen. A disaster happens in our own land no one wants to help but let it happen over seas oh we are air lifting food and medication and sending over help to recuperate there city. Example the Tsunami victims, not saying that they didn't need the help but our land should have came first. What's funny and why I like Kanye West is because he speaks his mind no matter what and wants the world to hear it. Maybe he is that go to guy for any kind of injustices in this country because he always get publicity for it. Yes some may call him dumb an A** but look at it who speaks for us.  Think about this! There are so many Injustices that go left unchecked because they introduce these things in a time of crisis where everyone is in need of change from all the violence and crime. Why do we not think about our liberties first when making decisions about what to do about the war on crime. Seriously what happen to our lovely "neighborhood watch." I had one in my neighborhood and if anything ever happen it was either stopped before hand or stopped during and if they got away they were caught by the end of the next day. Those really do work. It's not just the police's job to keep us safe or our government it's our responsibility as citizens of this country we should be looking out for one another. If there were more neighborhood watches no one would be able to sell drugs on your block, less shootings, less crime in general.
        Look depending on the government does one thing make a lot of new rules, law, regulations ect…UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!! Think of all the things that ruins a persons life that the government implements. Look at your taxes they take a good portion out of your check even if you make minimum wage. Property tax, school tax, SSI, FICA, Medicare. Think these are all things that are supposed to help our state/ government. Then why are we in debt and they keep raising our taxes to get out of debt. Seriously SSI is a joke you have to pay a lawyer to get SSI benefits after a Licensed Physician already told you, that you are disabled. Really people is this just. We put our hard earned money into the system for this purpose for when we really need it. It's not there money it's our money that we worked so hard for.
        Well sorry for this long rant there is more to come on these topics stated. I think it's really time to do the MARCH again, start a REVOLUTION, where are the modern day Martin Luther Kings, Malcolm X's, Rosa Parks, where is the NAACP, I understand we have a half black president in office which means nothing he is still a politician and a human. People this is our country not the governments we elect people to do what we tell them to do not the other way around. We elect people to do the will of the people not the will of their selfish means. A REVOLUTION IS COMING SOON. Don't think it's not because then you are blind. It could happen today tomorrow next week months or years from now but it's coming. I hope it's non-violent but the chances of that happening are very slim. People are hurting all over this country, kids uneducated, babies having babies, Help this country not hurt it and we have that power more than any of us realize. Don't whine do something about it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


it's funny how so man people rant and rave about i'm not racist i'm not this but so much attention has been brought upon Obama and how he grew up ect.. guess what so many people had horrible child hoods and actually made a difference. How many people you know let things of the past haunt them and destroy them. I have a serious problem with a person attacking someones past and the way they were raised. Get over it Obama was chosen to be the leader of this country and to be honest for a few months he's not doing bad at all. Yeah alot of debt has acumilated but without where would have of our jobs be, The unemployment line would be alot bigger. Yes do i agree with spending like it's coming from a tree no not at all. I'm sorry that people think he is just a sad little boy with and inferiority complex. I'm sorry people his past has been left behind him and obviously he left it there considering that he's is our president. So to the idiot's that think we got punk'd no sir we didn't we were looking for a new hero to come to our rescue. Hopefully Obama can do the job if not he's only human and his race should not have anything involved with it he's mixed so can't say he black because he's is more than that. So to all the racist folks that say he's not black enough or he is not white enough SHUT UP and be real with yourself. Stop being so darn picky. We have someone in office that's being attacked way beyond what he should. Look at Bush granted he started the war under false pretenses but to be honest it was bound to happen with that country unfortunately. Stop the madness we basically have a race neutral person that can literllaly speak from both sides.

Health Care Plan

Ok I haven't been listening to any of the reforms of healthcare because I'm young and didn't really care. But! Now that I am looking at this, this maybe a huge problem for everyone who actually works hard for a living. I don't mean our managers, executives, I mean those of us in the working class, even the part timers, our kids. This bill will help everyone get healthcare but at what expense to us the hard working people that are already going crazy over what to do with our healthcare every year because prices just keep jumping. This bill is going to cost is $1.7 trillion But it's said to paid for upfront and won't add to deficit. With that being said do you actually believe this. I really would like to but this day an age seems to be more scams than truth. But as I was looking at the description of this bill. To be honest it looks very well thought out and doesn't penalize those with insurance it actually brings our premiums down and gives us more ways to actually to get more insurance for ourselves with lower premiums. Some of us have the bare minimum just because we don't go to the doctors often ect…. Some of us Have everything the major medical , dental, eye and vision and are going broke over it, because they needed it. This deal has had a ton of scrutiny because people are assuming more tax hikes. Which I understand, that's what I'm worried about as well. But if they get rid of the over charging agencies and the ones that just keep treating you for all the wrong symptoms just to rack up extra money I say pass the bill because it'll stop those over charges or excessive test that aren't needed. It will put more money back in everyone's pocket to actually go to the doctors more and get checked knowing that they are getting a better service. It should stimulate growth in all insurance agencies seeing how bringing prices down always make people buy or switch there health care provider. Everyone would buy Healthcare Insurance which means more money to the agencies and in taxes alone means getting the deficit to trickle down each year. Think about it! I was very skeptical about this I was one of the people angry because all I was thinking about was TAX TAX TAX and MORE TAX to be implemented. But I'll say I may be wrong about this one it looks very legitimate. To be honest let's just say people are going off of rumors and if you have the facts like I do you would stare at the information in awe and excitement and see exactly what would take place. The thing is this has been under the gun for a very long time and it's at least getting looked at which is more than I can say for previous presidential agencies in general. So my statement at the beginning of, "this might be a problem," let's just say I retract it but still in limbo with because of the amount of dishonesty in the world and people are people that's all I see.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is a fool!!!

Rush limbaugh goes on about the problem of the 2 black kids that beat up the white kid on the school bus a few days ago. Sorry it took me so long to get to this, but i had to see how far this bull**** was going to go. Ok to bring people up to speed in Belleville West High School in St. Louis two black kids beat up a white kid violently for sitting down in one of the black kids seat. Ok moving on now first off the i hope the parents beat those kids a** for being so stupid and childish over a seat. Only 5 year olds do that. These are grown a** kids and they should be punished. To be honest i'm glad they got kicked out of highschool. The problem here is that people are saying that this is all race related and that he was picked out. First off being a kid in a world where the dumbest things on the planet could lead to a fight, i would have thought twice about sitting down there after i was pushed repeatedly. That was the boys first mistake i'm sorry that happen to the boy though because it should have never happen but for our kids to survive we need to teach them it's not worth fighting over a seat. Fight over something more real something that violates your right and liberties. But to get back on topic. Rush Lumbaugh you fool saying this stuff about in "Obama's America the white kids are aloud to get beat now," ok let me put this out there, first not only was it the black kids on the bus cheering and making jokes but there were also white kids on the bus also joining in. So before you start pointing the finger at being racist get it right because in todays society these kids don't see color it's more of, they just don't care. Stop pushing the race card. People always get mad at blacks for doing this and now whites feel they have the right to now because Obama is part black. Remember folks Obama is mixed. Kids now days just want power who's fault is it the government first off for telling parents they can't discipline our children by beating there a** when they step out of line. I'm sure everyone that watched this video is saying the parents need to beat there a** but the problem is for parents to do so they would fall in the boat of being abusive and having child services called on them. Personally i say F*** IT! BEAT THAT A** why because the government has no right to tell us how to raise our children or the way we should raise them. I miss having the BIG MAMMA'S around all you old timers know exactly what i'm talking about. Or the way is was when other parents in the street could see you acting up and call your parents and you'd get spanked or that "GOLDEN BELT OF JUSTICE." Government is gaining to much power over our freedoms and are controlling us right down to the way we train our children for the real world. Whitboy i'm sorry for what those idiots did to you on the bus I am black and i want to apologize for them because it was wrong and just stupid. This was just wrong but alittle word from the wise if you face a situation where someone doesn't want you there just get up and leave and go sit somewhere else because incidents like that always will end bad especially if they are already pushing you. Wise up people! Rush Limbaugh you sir are a racist and shouldn't just keep your mouth shut get the fact and remember the way it was in the years previous to the year 1990 is not the same anymore. Racism is around but not as widespread as it was back then. Rush they are kids that don't know any better if they were college students i would have backed you up. But until then Rush i smell your BULL****

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tasers in School are to much!

I think this is going to be a problem having Tasers, Pepper Spray ect. in School. This is the dumbest thing our wonderful government can do. First to all those kids that have heart problems such as murmurs, a taser will kill them. Pepper spray can cause so many issues with a childs respitory system. Think of the children with asthma this will kill them. I’ve been pepper sprayed before and i wasn’t even in direct contact. Even if you don’t have asthma it makes you feel like you can’t catch your breath almost like your drowning. Yeah let’s give kids more things to have to worry about. I think they are starting to treat schools as if they have hardened criminals that have no conscience. Come on these are children, don’t get me wrong there are bada** kids every where but i’m sure a police official can take down a little kid any day with all of there training. I think they are using excessive force now. Its funny they always want to blame the parents about the kids i’m sorry blame all those idiots that told us we can’t spank our children or knock sense in to them. I’m from the old school where people got there a** kicked by there parents when they stepped out of line. Let’s go back to when we were able to actually discipline our children and get child services called on us for being a parent. Wise up people a taser used on a child, pepper spray used on a child seriously people wise up and think with your head and actually care about kids again because apparently no one seems to really care and that’s why teachers failing rates for there students are so high. Teachers do your jobs parents start spanking and knocking sense into your kids and the world will be a better place and there will be less bada** kids in this world. Gangs would dissappear i tell you that!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tasers in Schools?!

Ok ok look i live in Syracuse NY we just had two separate incidents within 24 hours of one another, of a child being tased. First, off why in the heck are we using taser's on children? that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. I don't care how bad the child wants to act out send him to the principals office like we use to do back in the day. I really don't think a kid can handle a taser like a full grown adult our hearts are probably a lot stronger and we have a lesser chance of dying from the jolt of electricity going through are veins over a child. Kids act out for attention it's already been proven many times over and over again if you treat a tried like he's dumb not going to grow up to be anything than a mere thugged out criminal that's what they are prone to act like. The way teachers and other peoples that impact a child's life play a huge role in there development. When did all these teachers decide not to do there job anymore and just give up on our children. That's what our hard earned tax dollars are going to. It's to these teachers to give our children a good education. They always try to put the blame on the parents which i have a problem. A child learns material only through what they learned in school not at home. Math, Science, English, History ect.... I can almost guarantee you that most parents won't know any of that stuff anymore based on they have been in high school for some 20 years. People get it together our teachers are all failing at there job and we keep giving them excuses to blame the parents who send our kids and pay all this money for our children to get a good education just for them to give up on children. If your child was in daycare and the daycare provider just stopped changing your child's diapers because they felt he shouldn't be doing this anymore he's to old. Guess what you would probably sue the daycare for neglect of your child and that daycare teacher would lose her job and be prosecuted for not doing her job. Also it doesn't help the kid learn to use the toilet you not helping him learn to use the toilet won't help him use the toilet. Teachers have to help these troubled kids start study groups within the class after school. I'm sorry that I'm asking you to actually do your job. I understand that kids are BAD. I know but kids respond more to the people that are willing to help them instead of the one that are ready to write them off like some nobody. You are a parents second line of defense in helping them raise that child because you are the next point of contact that they will be looking up to. Start caring about your students and using the excuse it's the parents fault. Because I've seen kids act like angels in school but are horrible at home. This is how children work. Do your JOB! And get rid of the tasers before you get that one child that has heart problems and dies from it. And the law enforcement in school unfortunately it's necessary for kids safety since the first gun was brought to school. We need them and that's the end of that story. The only problem is that with cops in schools it will lower the respect of all law enforcement officials and will lead kids to be more disrespectful to police more so than before because they are always around they are just hall monitors to the kids. And hall monitors when i was in school we always harassed because they were nobodies. And were usually the teachers we harassed on a regular bases (but all in good fun) and I'm sure the kids have the same kind of relationship with some of the officials so this is going to become more frequent. So police need to take necessary steps to restrain children instead of with a taser sure you are a lot stronger than a 16 year old just grab him and pin him down. These police are becoming to reliant on these tasers in stead of doing what the real police did before they could use those. Apprehend and restraint the little bastard yeah i said it!!! cuff him and call his parents and let the parents beat his a** when he gets home.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Fall of the School System

Ok this is where New York State stands if thigs do not change. Fisrt off who gave these government the authority to spend so much but not on it's state. We have areas of NY that have schools suffering because they can't keep up with the high number of students each year in out public schools, that need much needed money more than others. Why is it that these politicians from this state are some of the highest paid politicians in this country. They use our tax dollars that are collected to give the state a better look, repairing our roads, schools, and keeping our streets safe. It seems that in NY our politicaians have another reason for collecting our taxes. To use it to buy hookers for there pleasure. Look at governor Spitzer who spent $5,000 for this woman so he can have fun and I'm sure this wasn't the first time that this has happen. NYS tax dollars at work. Wait it get's better so now they want to extend the hours our children are in school longer extending, the day by 3 hours. I don't know if anyone else has a problem with this. Think of all the resources that would have to be given to the schools to pull this off. First off, teachers would definitely want a raise and the overtime pay. Ok now common sense i would want the extra pay too, can you really blame them. Not only that what will happen to the sports teams will they vanish next giving our children things that keep them out of trouble. There is no real reason to extend a kids day at school. Personally, i've grown being at school early and getting out alittle after 2pm. I know for a fact that a number of other people that have done the same thing like our doctors, engineers, teachers ect.. Why does the state feel they should add more time to school and then have children try to do there homework after sports practices. and any other after school acitivity I see all after school programs vanishing. These kids need these things to be able to find themselves figure out who they are and who they want to be. After school is the time to do homework and go out with friends before it get's dark and they have to be inside to sleep and wake up for school the next day. Our government is so worried about the drop out rates why it's nothing they can do about it unless they want to help those parents that are still children themselves. Drop out rates are higher now because of the babies having babies issue. You have young kids trying to play adults, but when they have a child they can't take care of it and aren't mature enough to understand what it's like to be a real parent. Make health classes better that kept me from having a child until i was able to provide for my child. Let's give them things to really talk about make health class a bigger part of kids lives keep them thinking about the future that should start from kindergarden when they actually understand. Push school on them from very little and they will always want to be in school after. Show them the difference between people that go to college keep their education a priority, and show them people who don't even think of going to school and how they all live. Kids are simple show them what it's like to be educated don't tell them they won't understand words, but they understand having more toys because i went to school and kept high grades and pursued colleges versus not having anything and flipping burgers until you die with little or no toys at all. This is the approach we need to take. People always say it's the parents fault that the kids are the way they are ok now that is true. But remeber school is like your second home you are at school more than 40% of the year so ity also on the teachers. Teachers feel that they don't have to really teach anymore you just explain the material one way and that's it. WRONG!!! Most children will not learn like this. You don't just through stuff in front of them and expect them to absorb it. Teachers need to really start doing what they are paid for and that is to teach. The troubled kids should be the ones you pay more attention to because they will need more help than the student that has straight A's. The student with straight A's knows the work and can do the work and doesn't need to be helped. A teachers job is to get every student in there class to pass. And the ones that struggle they ususally label them as the bad apple and treat them differently from the rest of the class which in turn leads to that student failing or dropping out of school. It is the job of the teacher to give the student a proper education, a parent to make sure the kids do there homework, and the responsibility of the student to understand and ask questions in class or after class to understand the material. When a child goes to college they are on there own. It shouldn't be now when they aren't done with grade school yet. So to the government wise up it is partial both the parents and the teachers fault. Teachers don't care about there students like they use to do. They have an attitude that they don't have to deal with this kids attitude or problems that's not in my job description. Teachers need to be evaluated before they can teach to see if they will care for children like they were there own because it is there responsibility that they understand and get the work that is assigned to them. If the government wants to stop all these kids from having babies and not having so many people on welfare it starts at school and during the process of them being educated until they graduate high school. Help these children have better teachers and educate these parents get them more involved in the childs life. Call them set meeting about there progress overall. Don't give up on our kids parents and teachers the day you do that is the day the fall from the bar and have to find there own way back or they won't at all and will keep falling. Parents you are on the frontlines to help second line of defense are the teachers. Time for both parents and teachers to really do there jobs. That's just Bull****

Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello folks i'm new to blogging trying to just get in to the swing of this whole concept of "Blogging" so any advice would be greatly appreciated but i will bring you some hardcore controversial government issues hopefully with some amazing cartoons to laugh at get angry over or what ever so let the Battle begin.