Monday, October 12, 2009

Child Support and College!

 Looking into both sides of this yes college is expensive but I think Child Support is worst. A father not wanting to pay child support for his 18 year old  for college is understandable. Is it wrong? You be the judge, at 18 kids are considered adults. So technically in the eyes of the judicial system the father shouldn't be responsible. But, as a parent should he help yes but that child better fight tooth and nail to get scholarships and work there butts off to get in and stay in.

The reason why I say this is understandable is because I'm a father of a 2 year old boy and paying child support. It makes me angry to see children hate there parents over a divorce or so many other things that cause division in a household. The father is always the one to receive this burden of hatred not truly understood fully by the child. When a child doesn't get to see his father as much and the father is always stressed because he has to figure out away to make ends meet every week is a problem. When his child turns 18 that  his way to finally have a life appreciate the little things again. Him paying all of this money out each month or week whatever his pay schedule is put him in debt unless he's a millionaire but guess what most parents aren't and the average American can't afford most of these child support cases.  Money would goes to he mother not the school.  That child could have absolutely no desire to go back to school. He could get an acceptance letter from a community college and never attend. Then that man is forced to pay that support until he is 21.

I'm sorry but to further push this child support is wrong the guidelines are there more so for the government and mother to make a profit. They need to examine both parties living situations, the father has bills that woman could have cheated and he left for that reason but he is still punished for her fornication. It's the new business plan since this child support came about. It's a get rich scheme for all mothers who want out of there relationships but have no real income. Then on top of that the courts back them up and automatically award custody to the mother with out a proper trial or anything. But don't get me wrong, there are mothers in the same boat with paying child support. But the majority here are fathers. A lot of woman for some reason feel because they had the child they should be reimbursed for this. Which is wrong but that's exactly what's going on. It's like a contingency plan if thinks don't work out with the marriage. It's like a prenuptial but it's written in a Childs DNA so it's unavoidable. For some women CHILD=$$$$$$$. If the other parent remarries well the Custodial parent do you think that money is going towards the child at that time. Of course not it's the same old thing that happens over and over again. The woman ends up with a new car and clothes shops at the finest stores for herself while your child's clothes come from target. Then they have the never to take you back to court because they need more money to put him through college look. If in 18 years that mother is unable to sustain her child but has a 50" LCD TV new furniture a house ect.. that's where this 18 year old Childs college fund is at. It resides on the back and feet and that nice car in the driveway. Think about it!

I'm going to show you some simple math here. I pay 650 a month for support multiply that by 12 for the year that's $7,800 now that's supposed to go towards daycare clothes ect... so that's 7,800 a year added on to her income. Now let's break down that $7,800 daycare I'll say is roughly about 650 right there so that's daycare expenses right there. The big bulk of the expense of raising a child. Food she can buy with her own money considering a child when he/she starts eating solid foods can eat whatever is made that night. Also on a further note DAYCARE Provides Breakfast and lunch. Those are two meals gone less expenses for the woman off the top. Should she pay half of the daycare yes it is half her child too. Then clothes for a younger child are easy and cheap and you don't have to worry about them wanting the latest and greatest. Sneakers max $10 if you want Nikes then $20-$25 but you'll only need a pair or two and I'm sure the father buys these things also for the child. Then clothes ok stick him/her in say some sketchers, some levis and some plain shirts that should be a one time purchase with some little purchase here and there for the Childs rate of growth. Ok now the child is in Kindergarten now there is no more daycare expenses ect... But there are after school programs that's solely should be on the discretion of the parent that can afford to do this, school pictures another one at parents discretion. But in light $650 is now on the table gain for the mother to do what she wants through out the month such as school clothes and other items school related but again one time thing with smaller purchases every now and then. Again during those months where things aren't need those should be put in the bank. His insurance should the parent that has custody pay.... of course the child stay with you right that is your sole responsibility when is come right down to it. You buy a car but you want someone else to insure it for you and pay the monthly....Yeah I would love to see that happen. so through out the years of all of these small minor purchases. through out the high school years ect.... between sports and band possibly and other extracurricular that's still a one time purchase thing not something that's going to keep increasing or last forever or be cyclic no it's a one time major purchase. Then food through out the year at lunch time for the child and breakfast ok most schools offer both and still what is it a week for lunch $2 to $3 a day is that. Think that's an expense hat should be able to be handled by the mother/custodial parent. I'll gladly give a couple of dollars for my sons lunch and breakfast each week that will never amount to $650 a month. Again the rest of money should be saved. Adding to a bigger reason why this child should already have his tuition fee for school when he/she reaches 18.

Now for some more math so $650 a month x 12 months in a year = $7800 annually to one child this is for one not multiple. now take that $7,800 a year ad multiply that by 18 years that equals $140,400 from birth to graduation of the 12th grade. Now let's take it farther this is all speculative that there will be no increases or decrease but ask yourself with knowing that what is the mother really paying for. I'd say less than half of that money she spent on the child. First 3 years before the child goes to preschool is probably the most expensive just because of daycare. After that money should be stored up significantly. Also a father shouldn't be paying for someone else home it's that Mother/Custodial parent to provide those things also for the child not getting that money to do so from the Father/Non-Custodial parent. We need a roof for us and our child also so they can be comfortable when they come and visit. Why are mothers regarded so much hirer than fathers when woman do the same thing men do. And they are no more human than a man is. Where do we draw this line. Or will we let this idiotic governmental system keep destroying people. Like I said I understand why he didn't want to pay for college because technically the money should have been there already. So I understand and it's now time for the mother to stop getting a free ride and pay up. Sorry for it's length but this needed to be said. I'm a Child Support man and mines is up to date, I take care of my responsibilities, when will women stop getting these child support handouts that are in excess of what it really takes to take care of a child.


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