Thursday, October 8, 2009

Health Care Plan

Ok I haven't been listening to any of the reforms of healthcare because I'm young and didn't really care. But! Now that I am looking at this, this maybe a huge problem for everyone who actually works hard for a living. I don't mean our managers, executives, I mean those of us in the working class, even the part timers, our kids. This bill will help everyone get healthcare but at what expense to us the hard working people that are already going crazy over what to do with our healthcare every year because prices just keep jumping. This bill is going to cost is $1.7 trillion But it's said to paid for upfront and won't add to deficit. With that being said do you actually believe this. I really would like to but this day an age seems to be more scams than truth. But as I was looking at the description of this bill. To be honest it looks very well thought out and doesn't penalize those with insurance it actually brings our premiums down and gives us more ways to actually to get more insurance for ourselves with lower premiums. Some of us have the bare minimum just because we don't go to the doctors often ect…. Some of us Have everything the major medical , dental, eye and vision and are going broke over it, because they needed it. This deal has had a ton of scrutiny because people are assuming more tax hikes. Which I understand, that's what I'm worried about as well. But if they get rid of the over charging agencies and the ones that just keep treating you for all the wrong symptoms just to rack up extra money I say pass the bill because it'll stop those over charges or excessive test that aren't needed. It will put more money back in everyone's pocket to actually go to the doctors more and get checked knowing that they are getting a better service. It should stimulate growth in all insurance agencies seeing how bringing prices down always make people buy or switch there health care provider. Everyone would buy Healthcare Insurance which means more money to the agencies and in taxes alone means getting the deficit to trickle down each year. Think about it! I was very skeptical about this I was one of the people angry because all I was thinking about was TAX TAX TAX and MORE TAX to be implemented. But I'll say I may be wrong about this one it looks very legitimate. To be honest let's just say people are going off of rumors and if you have the facts like I do you would stare at the information in awe and excitement and see exactly what would take place. The thing is this has been under the gun for a very long time and it's at least getting looked at which is more than I can say for previous presidential agencies in general. So my statement at the beginning of, "this might be a problem," let's just say I retract it but still in limbo with because of the amount of dishonesty in the world and people are people that's all I see.


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